sâmbătă, ianuarie 21, 2006

A sober post. A testimony. A "proffesion of faith"?

*(pentru cei care viziteaza blog-ul pentru prima oara, va anunt ca scrierea introductiva e afisata mai jos, vineri, 20 ianuarie 2006)

We will ultimately need
a mad-like, cvasi-pathological, iron made, extreme, stubborn faith to survive and not utterly loose ourselves in this thoroughly degrading and collapsing world. The heavy dust clouds and noisy iron structures collapsing in the 9/11 events are but a faint image of what is currently happening in our shaky world, where once majestic and enduring moral edifices stood, now dust and rust lay postapocalyptically silent.

The major difference between the collapsing of the world trade towers and the collapsing of the world’s core pillars is that 9/11 had people screaming off the sidewalks, crowds gasping in utter awe, tears rushing on people’s cheeks, when the progressive crumbling of today’s world provokes little emotion, scarce tears, but a perverse and inexplicable increase in demential entertainment, pure ugly filthy laughter and chaotic, anarchic living.